Visual Art + Design

The Department of Visual Art + Design's mission is to provide a comprehensive curriculum that integrates artistic study within a liberal arts education. At the heart of the program are goals of creative, intellectual, and technical development achieved through the integration of the practices of creative problem solving and art making within the context of contemporary culture.


  • 性色视频 is accredited by the .

  • Comprehensive Foundations Program where students learn, concept development, materials and processes, and the history of art.

  • Curriculum focused on traditional and contemporary methods of art making.

  • Concentrations in 11 Areas of Study.

  • State of the art technology across the curriculum

  • Internships with Industry.

  • Semi-private studio spaces for Seniors.


" Southeastern's focus on student success, academic excellence, hands-on learning and real world experience is a key element in all the department's degree programs. Every member of our faculty values daily interaction with students, inspiring and challenging their minds, and helping students achieve their career goals and aspirations.

Our active faculty of 30 national and international distinguished artists, scholars and educators, bring a level of artistic dedication to their teaching. Together with state-of-the-art facilities, we provide students with a unique educational experience aimed at realizing their artistic potential.

The Contemporary Art Gallery and theater performances on our main stage, the Department of Visual Art + Design offers an exceptional array of exhibitions, plays and lectures, which enrich the cultural lives of our students and members of our community."

- Dale Newkirk,
Department Head




Upcoming Events


Faculty Exhibition

5:00pm Contemporary Art Gallery



Opening Reception: Fall Semester Senior Exhibition

5:00pm Contemporary Art Gallery